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David Dillon, Architecture Critic, at Winspear and Wyly Opening Weekend

The late architecture critic David Dillon expressed his pleasant surprise at both the architectural success of the Wyly Theater designed by Rem Koolhaas and Joshua Prince-Ramus and the Winspear Opera House designed by Sir Norman Foster, and how enthusiastically the Dallas community was embracing the Arts District.  David Dillon was never one to take credit for any part of the evolving aesthetic success of Dallas, but you could sense the pride he had in this Dallas accomplishment.  Buildings that related to each other and that created a place was a concept he lauded and advocated.  I first spoke with David Dillon in the early 1980s about Munger Place and provided him with prints of the photographs found in the original Munger Brothers book.  Over the years I might get a call from David regarding the annual Restoration House of the Year Award I had organized, a historic neighborhood, a specific architect or a modern home.  He always impressed me with his interest in and insight on quality design regardless of the period or style. 


As did most people, I always enjoyed reading David Dillon reviews and was appreciative of his insightful and sometimes brave commentary.  He subtly shaped the thoughts and aspirations of Dallas citizens who influenced the city.


I have many inscriptions from authors of books, but I have always treasured the one he wrote many years ago on his O'Neil Ford book: "To Doug - Who has understood O'Neil's work from the beginning and is one of the people who help keep his ideals alive." 


Shortly before David's death I wrote an article for the Dallas Architecture Blog where I discussed the Haggerty/Hanley house and the timeless architecture of O'Neil Ford.  This article is now dedicated to David Dillon.  It is apparent from the ongoing architectural success of Dallas that many in Dallas understood the ideals of O'Neil Ford. 


I join so many people in Dallas who miss David Dillon as a critic, an author and a friend.



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