Dallas Architectural Styles

Texas Modern and Eclectic Architecture

Great Architecture is a Cross Pollination of Ideas and Styles

Douglas Newby captures intertwining relationships of architects and architectural styles as they relate to the neighborhoods of Dallas. Buyers make a smarter purchase when they understand the relationship of a specific style to the neighborhood. There has not been an attempt in this section to reference every style or document every architectural event with a parallel expression in another city. It is left to you to recognize and explore the many similarities in your past or present environment. It is my feeling that if you are in the United States you will look upon these Dallas homes with fondness and sentiment as they recall influences from your surroundings. If you are from outside the United States you can be confident the homes shown here reflect the style and approach and success of the architecture found across North America.

Clifford D. Hutsell Homes in East Dallas Capture Spanish Colonial Style of California

The Collection of Clifford D. Hutsell Homes on Lakewood Boulevard Best Expresses the Appeal of This Early 20th Century Architect.

Doug – thanks a million – the drumbeat for good design marches to your cadence.

Bryce Weigand
University Park Homeowner

Dallas Architecture

Hi Doug,

I hope you are well.  I enjoyed your interview on 90.1 yesterday and appreciate that participation in these forums can have a profoundly positive effect for Dallas.

Michael McCarthy, AIA

Articles on Dallas Architecture and Dallas Architects

My family and I recently spent almost three months in Dallas…Loved the people and the amazing architecture. Not looking to make a move from SC (Greenville) right now, BUT…maybe at some point down the road. Glad I discovered your wonderful site (and insight)!

Jim Simkins