Swiss Avenue Historic District
Explore the Best Homes in Swiss Avenue Historic District
Swiss Avenue is the holy grail of East Dallas neighborhoods. Swiss Avenue is also one of the five most iconic streets in Dallas and Highland Park. The Swiss Avenue Historic District was the first residential historic district in Dallas. This architecturally significant home designed by C.W. Bulger conveys why Swiss Avenue captures the imagination of Dallas and the affection of the Swiss Avenue homeowners who live on the boulevard. This home at 5105 Swiss Avenue is grand, refined, and on a large beautiful lot looking across the Swiss Avenue boulevard at other architecturally significant homes.
Here is What You Will Find on This Swiss Avenue Historic District Page
In this Swiss Avenue Historic District neighborhood section you will discover the best homes found in this neighborhood. In addition you will see a few featured homes to provide you a sense of the range of homes you will find.
In this Swiss Avenue neighborhood section, you will find new listings of homes that just came on the market in MLS along with the homes with recent MLS status changes. These new listings are followed by every Swiss Avenue home for sale in MLS. You also will see every MLS home for sale mapped in Swiss Avenue. And to give you a better understanding of the Swiss Avenue market, you will see the Swiss Avenue homes in MLS that have previously sold.
An Insider’s Look at the Neighborhood, Homes, and History of Swiss Avenue Historic District
There is much to know about Swiss Avenue Historic District beyond just the homes offered for sale and that have sold. This section concludes with thoughts on the history of Swiss Avenue, photographs of every Swiss Avenue home taken for the centennial of Swiss Avenue, followed with every home found in this neighborhood. Douglas Newby will enjoy speaking to you personally about Swiss Avenue Historic District and helping you find or sell a home.
Award-winning Realtor Douglas Newby knows the homes in Swiss Avenue and understands the nuance of this real estate market.
Featured Swiss Avenue Homes Sold by Douglas Newby
One of the Five Best Homes on Swiss Sold – Architect Hal Thomson

5323 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas
Hal Thomson Historic Home on Swiss Avenue – Sold by Douglas Newby
Swiss Avenue is the cradle of Dallas architecture and architecturally significant homes. Architect Hal Thomson, who designed this home in 1914 at 5323 Swiss Avenue, is the godfather of Dallas architects. Many don’t realize the impact and influence the homes on Swiss Avenue and architect Hal Thomson have on the architecture and architects in Dallas. Many consider 5323 Swiss to be one of the best five homes in the Swiss Avenue Historic District and one of the most architecturally significant homes in Dallas. You can scroll through Centennial Pictures of all 100 homes on Swiss Avenue and determine what you think are the best five homes on Swiss Avenue.
After a Grand Tour of Europe, Hal Thomson Made His Mark on Swiss Avenue
Henry B. Thomson (Hal Thomson) was a society architect who after his grand tour of Europe made his mark on Swiss Avenue before he began designing architecturally significant homes in Highland Park. The Aldredge house also on Swiss Avenue and 5323 Swiss Avenue that Douglas Newby recently sold quickly come to mind when one thinks of architect Hal Thomson.
Douglas Newby Sold and Closed Lang & Witchell Designed Home on Swiss Avenue

5112 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas
Architects Lang & Witchell Designed Home on Swiss Avenue Boulevard – Sold by Douglas Newby
This architecturally significant Lang & Witchell designed home is the architectural exclamation mark of this Swiss Avenue block that boasts three Lang & Witchell architect-designed homes. National award-winning Realtor Douglas Newby has now sold every home on this block face of Swiss Avenue boulevard, including all three Lang & Witchell designed architecturally significant homes on the block.
Hal Thomson Designed Home on Swiss Avenue Sold by Douglas Newby

5520 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas
Henry B. Thomson Designed Residence – Sold by Douglas Newby
I always strive for a gracious transaction like this one between a fabulous buyer and seller who both love historic homes. The seller, a Swiss Avenue home owner for nearly 4 decades, asked me to sell her home. I was delighted and honored to represent her. Also, I was excited to offer a home for sale designed by Hal Thomson, the first prominent society architect of Dallas and his junior architect partner James Cheek who went on to design Highland Park Village and many architecturally significant homes with his architecture partner Marion Fooshee.
Swiss Avenue Home Designed by C.W. Bulger & Son

5105 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas
Prominent Italian Renaissance Style Home on Swiss – Sold by Douglas Newby
This Italian Renaissance style home designed by C.W. Bulger & Son has long been a favorite home on Swiss Avenue and in Dallas. The home at 5105 Swiss Avenue is on a block of the Swiss Avenue boulevard that is made up of some of the most important architecturally significant homes on the street. Elaborate vast gardens create an environment you would never guess is only two miles from the Dallas Arts District in downtown Dallas.
Over the years many people consistently identified this architecturally significant home as their favorite on the street. The Swiss Avenue boulevard is the only street in Dallas people will stroll down or drive down, looking at the houses as if they were walking through an art gallery. Each home is architecturally distinctive and creates an unsurpassed 20th century body of work.
Early 20th Century Modern Home on Swiss Avenue For Sale

5017 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas
5,300 Square Foot Home on .52 Acres – Sold by Douglas Newby
The early modern home at 5017 Swiss Avenue expresses the architectural influence of Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan. The carved band of Sullivanesque detail, the Sullivanesque relief ornamentation on the dormer, under the deep eaves, and on the panel between the second story windows are outstanding examples of the Progressive Style and Prairie School architecture. This ornamentation emphasizes the streamlined horizontal lines of Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs.
Architect E. Ross Chandler Designed Home on Swiss Avenue Profiled

6017 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, Texas
At the top of Swiss Avenue on an elevated lot sits an architecturally significant home designed by architect E. Ross Chandler. This stately home is the perfect place to begin the 10-block tree-lined architectural journey down iconic Swiss Avenue boulevard, enjoying 100 homes designed by noted architects.
See Centennial Photographs of Every Swiss Avenue Home
Every photograph in this section was taken during the week of the 2005 Swiss Avenue Mother’s Day Historic Home Tour celebrating the centennial of this Dallas historic neighborhood. These photographs represent 30 years of Swiss Avenue revitalization and restoration. Please contact Douglas Newby at 214.522.1000 to discuss Douglas Newby & Associates representing you as we search and help you evaluate the best historic home for you.
Centennial Photographs of Swiss Avenue Homes

Realtor Douglas Newby took photographs of every Swiss Avenue home during the centennial of Swiss Avenue so that you would have an opportunity to see this collection of architect-designed and architecturally significant homes in geographical order. You can scroll through and see the homes on each block on Swiss Avenue as if you are driving down the boulevard.
Mapped Swiss Avenue Historic District Homes for Sale in MLS
Today’s New Swiss Avenue Historic District Listings and MLS Status Changes
Find the accurate number of today’s new listings and the correct total number of Swiss Avenue Historic District homes for sale in MLS. Today we have a total of 0 new listings and a total of 1 home for sale listed in Swiss Avenue Historic District neighborhood.
Are You a Swiss Avenue Homeowner? You Have Come to the Right Place
Douglas Newby has sold more homes on Swiss Avenue than any other realtor or real estate firm. If you are considering selling your home in the Swiss Avenue Historic District, we will bring you the best results as we best understand your home and the potential buyers. If you are looking for a home, we have helped the most buyers find the specific Swiss Avenue home they love and that represents the best value. Call Douglas Newby to see if he should represent you in selling your Swiss Avenue home or helping you buy a home on Swiss Avenue.
If You Desire an Architecturally Significant Home You Will Love, Douglas Newby Invites You to Call or Contact Him
Favorite Swiss Avenue Historic District Videos
The Best Homes in Swiss Avenue Historic District Neighborhood
History of Swiss Avenue Historic District
The earliest homes, built in 1905, in the Swiss Avenue Historic District are found in the original addition of Munger Place, between the Swiss Avenue gates on Fitzhugh and Dumont. Homes continued to be built along the street in casual chronological order with the most recent homes built in the l930s at the LaVista boundary. The west side of the boulevard is narrower, as it was used as a private drive, and the east side of Swiss Avenue is wider because it was used as a public drive. Even today Swiss Avenue remains the street in Dallas most associated with mansions. Swiss Avenue is also synonymous with preservation as the Historic Preservation League, now Preservation Dallas, was formed simultaneously with Swiss Avenue becoming Dallas’ first Historic District in 1973.
Sold Homes in Swiss Avenue Historic District
This section is created to help you understand the Swiss Avenue Historic District market. Knowing the homes that have sold will give you an idea of the future inventory of homes coming on the market and the trend of the Swiss Avenue Historic District.
Swiss Avenue Homeowners Appreciate Dougals Newby
To the Broker of architecture, you always clean up the confusion among us real estate mortals. As always, you needlessly went beyond reasonable measures to get the Newby result. For that we will always be grateful and proud to count you as our friend. We want you to come visit us.
Dan Cook
Swiss Avenue Homeowner
Dear Doug,
This letter is to thank you for being a very critical part of a team that did a phenomenal job of helping us through a very difficult time. You, our CPA and our financial advisor are a group to be reckoned with! I can’t imagine a better partnership.
You were invaluable to our daughter with sound advice on the best action for her to take – even though it cost you an immediate listing. Not everyone would do that. In fact, I am afraid not many would. You delayed your potential sale because it was better for Ginger. I really do appreciate that.
When we did get to the point that a sale was appropriate, you maneuvered it through the maize in an absolutely amazing manner. You condensed what could be, and usually is, a many days or weeks long effort into a very few days. We were amazed by your skill and wisdom.
I am so glad we chose you – although nothing else was ever a consideration. I am so glad we followed your advice. I am so glad you are so wise and experienced. I am so glad it is all done!!!
Thank you, Doug.
Yours truly,
Harryette Ehrhardt
Swiss Avenue Homeowner
State Representative