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Douglas Newby
Architecturally Significant Homes
Horse & Trolly

Greenlining As Remedy

Greenlining, designating a neighborhood solely for new and renovated homes, serves as an affordable housing tool and as a neighborhood revitalization tool. For 35 years, since Eric Moye chaired Mayor Starke Taylor’s Southern Dallas Task Force, the city of Dallas has called for the tax base and desirability of Southern Dallas to become closer to that of Northern Dallas.

Greenlining specific Southern Dallas neighborhoods would propel the desirability and economic development of Southern Dallas. At a time when transit lines and stops are billed as renovation tools but fail to bring economic development on their own, and new mixed income apartments are touted to help a neighborhood, single-family neighborhoods increase the desirability of the property and all the uses around them.

Greenlining neighborhoods in Southern Dallas also increases the number of affordable homes and opportunities for low- and moderate-income families to become homeowners. The timing for greenlining, protecting and promoting single-family home neighborhoods in Southern Dallas is even more fortuitous when Oregon, California, Minnesota and other parts of the country are in the process of eliminating single-family zoning, promoting apartment development in existing single-family home neighborhoods.

Greenlining designated areas of Southern Dallas for new and renovated single-family homes would give that neighborhood a positive direction, an economic thrust, homeowner confidence that propels a neighborhood and a certainty of success. See blog article on how Southern Dallas could be 21st century demonstration greenlined area for revitalization of a neighborhood and increased homeownership creating generational wealth. https://douglasnewby.com/2021/11/greenlining-is-remedy-for-redlining-and-bluelining/
*Greenlining As Remedy
#Greenlining #SouthernDallas #Redlining #Bluelining #Revitalization #AffordableHousing #Homeownership #Dallas #DallasNeighborhoods

Douglas Newby is the Nation's #1 Realtor for Architecturally Significant Homes.