Victorian Style Architecture
Dallas Eclectic Architecture
The Wilson block on Swiss Avenue has the largest collection of Victorian style homes in Dallas. The last of this collection of Victorian homes was built in 1903. High-pitched roofs and gabled rooms and much ornate detail and trim defined these homes designed more for decoration than function. Often painted in multiple colors to accentuate the expressive detailing, this design has been a sentimental romantic favorite for years. The steady movement towards modern homes along with the high cost of building Victorian style homes has made new Victorian style homes rare in the 20th and 21st century. A one-story Victorian home at 4002 Gilbert Avenue built at the turn of the 21st century, however was extremely popular when it went on the market in 2021 and received over one dozen full price offers.
4002 Gilbert Avenue, Dallas, Texas

D Magazine’s 10 Most Charming Homes 2020 included this 1996 meticulously built one-story Victorian style architect-designed home capturing the detail, 11-foot ceilings, wood floors of a historic home, deep pier and beam and quality construction of a new home.