Neo-Classical Style Architecture
Dallas Eclectic Architecture
Neoclassical elements found in this home include the roofline balustrades, the full height porch supported by two story classical columns with Corinthian capitals. This home has a curved portico, which is found in very few neoclassical homes.
4908 Lakeside Drive, Dallas, Texas

This Hal Thomson architect designed Highland Park neoclassical home at 4908 Lakeside Drive had been a Dallas and Highland Park favorite home for over 100 years. In 1997, the American Institute of Architects Dallas Chapter selected 4908 Lakeside Drive as one of the Dallas 50 Significant Homes to help celebrate their 50th Anniversary. This home is architecturally and historically significant because it was designed by the most revered and respected early 20th century Dallas architect, Henry B. Thomson, and the home exemplified the architecture of Old Highland Park.
6801 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Dallas, Texas

Beautiful Residence Designed by John Scudder Adkins
In 1929 Colonel Alvin and Mrs. Lucy Ball Owsley built one of the most important homes in Dallas. They retained John Scudder Adkins of Cincinnati, Ohio, to design this neo-classical home with French influences in the architectural spirit of McKim, Mead and White.