State of Hall

Craftsmen and contractors last month were working on the crevices of the building and re-stabilizing major components of the building. Several years ago at the invitation of the late Rita Clements, the wife of Texas Governor Bill Clements, I served on the Executive Committee of the Dallas Historical Society for almost ten years. During this time, along with the late Robert Hyer Thomas, we pushed back against the proposal to discontinue the possession of the historical artifacts collected and owned by the Dallas Historical Society. The executive director had proposed photographing the collection and putting it online so that there would be no more responsibility for the preservation and maintenance of the individual objects. In fairness, this proposal was precipitated by the Hall of State building that still had an aura of majesty on the inside and outside, but was crumbling from within and out. Roof leaks were being patched with tarp and plywood. Buckets would be catching water dripping from 30 feet above. The problem was decades of leaky finances and leaky roofs. The storage spaces for the collection looked like a garage sale before it was organized. It is comforting and exciting to see the renewed interest in Fair Park. Its management is being put into private hands and the public supported city designated bonds to pay for the renovation of the Hall of State. There might not be any other place in Texas that so fully embodies and feels so embued in Texas history as the Texas Hall of State. *State of Hall
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