Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston

Explore the Best Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood and Highland Park Homes for Sale West of Preston

The sixth addition is 70.33 acres. Some of the largest estate homes and lots are found between Armstrong Parkway and the Tollway on Rheims, Belfort and Bordeaux. Gradually the lot size descends as you move towards the Tollway on the other side of Lomo Alto.

Here is What You Will Find on This Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston

In this Highland Park West of Preston neighborhood section you will discover the best homes found in this neighborhood. In addition you will see a few featured homes to provide you a sense of the range of homes you will find.

You will also see new listings of homes that just came on the market in MLS along with the homes with recent MLS status changes. These new listings are followed by every home for sale in MLS found in this neighborhood. You also will see every MLS home for sale mapped. And to give you a better understanding of the Highland Park market, you will see the homes in MLS that have previously sold in this neighborhood.


Inspiring New Architect Designed Home in Highland Park

Architect Larry Boerder created an architectural rendering for his vision of how his architecturally significant home at 4400 Belfort Place would look when the construction was finished.
At 4400 Belfort Place, architect Larry Boerder designed an architecturally significant Spanish Colonial Revival estate home with Mediterranean detail on a nearly one-acre site. One enjoys seeing the subtle symmetry and balanced proportions delineated for different functions. Also, one enjoys the cut and carved stone ornamental detail punctuating the hand-troweled hard plaster over masonry walls.

Not Yet On Market

In the last several years there has not been a new home in Highland Park on an acre of land designed by a nationally known architect that has come on the market with the quality or appeal of 4400 Belfort Place. It confirms the architectural excellence of Highland Park. Architect Larry Boerder has designed this Spanish Colonial style home with Mediterranean and Italianate detail to reflect the best of Highland Park and to reflect this timeless architectural style into the future.

Most sophisticated buyers with resources have to find a lot to purchase and somewhere to live temporarily for three years while they have a new home designed and built. The home at 4400 Belfort Place has the quality and precision of a bespoke residence. It is placed on one of the finest sites in Highland Park and this architecturally significant home at 4400 Belfort Place will be available to purchase this spring when it is completed.

You will love the prominence and privacy of this site, be enthralled with the design and aesthetics of the home, and will be impressed with the team that Blair Pogue, the developer of 4400 Belfort Place, assembled to create this architecturally significant Highland Park home.

Mapped Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston Homes for Sale in MLS


Today’s New Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston Listings and MLS Status Changes

Find today’s new listings and the total number of Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston homes for sale in MLS. Today we have a total of 0 new listings and a total of 6 homes for sale listed in Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston.

Acres0.22Sqft.5,875Bed6Bath6Year2024Lot Size60 x 155
Acres0.83Sqft.10,240Bed4Bath4Year2017Lot Size139x239
Acres0.31Sqft.3,254Bed1Bath1Year1951Lot Size80x168
Acres0.16Sqft.3,314Bed4Bath4Year1936Lot Size50x135

Are You a Highland Park Homeowner? You Have Come to the Right Place

If you are considering selling your Highland Park home, we will bring you the best results as we best understand your home and the potential buyers. Call me to see if I should represent you in selling your Highland Park home.

Highland Park prices are not speculative because Highland Park buyers have the highest incomes and net worth in relationship to the price of the homes they are buying. A small pool of homes available with the distinct advantages of Highland Park not replicable in other parts of Dallas or the country make Highland Park an attractive investment and place for a home.

-Douglas Newby

Contact National Award Winning Realtor Douglas Newby to See if He Should Represent You

The Best Homes in Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston

Sold MLS Homes in Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston

This section is created to help you understand the Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston market. Knowing the homes that have sold will give you an idea of the future inventory of homes coming on the market and the trend of the Sixth Section of Highland Park Neighborhood West of Preston prices.

Acres0.22Sqft.5,875Bed6Bath6Year2024Lot Size60 x 155
Acres0.83Sqft.10,240Bed4Bath4Year2017Lot Size139x239
Acres0.31Sqft.3,254Bed1Bath1Year1951Lot Size80x168
Acres0.16Sqft.3,314Bed4Bath4Year1936Lot Size50x135

Highland Park Homeowners Appreciate Doug Newby

The Web presentation is really incredible. I know you spent a great deal of time on the written presentation and it truly is great.

Highland Park Homeowner
Civic Leader