Place Des Vosges
Turtle Creek Gated Neighborhood
Explore the Best Place Des Vosges Homes for Sale in Katy Trail / Turtle Creek Area Neighborhood
Place des Vosges is the most prestigious neighborhood along Turtle Creek. This neighborhood of 16 magnificent homes combines the nature of its shared central garden and forested Turtle Creek with the vibrancy of downtown Dallas, the Knox area, West Village, and other retail and restaurant enclaves within walking distance.
Architect James Langford Designed Place Des Vosges in Dallas

In Dallas, Place des Vosges was designed by Harvard-educated architect James Langford who trained with I.M. Pei.Here, James Langford removed this enclave of 16 homes from the city and inserted it into the nature of Turtle Creek and the vibrancy of downtown Dallas with a triangular courtyard opening to views of Turtle Creek and the city skyline.
Here is What You Will Find on This Place Des Vosges Neighborhood Page
In this Places Des Vosges neighborhood section you will discover the best homes found in this neighborhood. In addition you will see a few featured homes to provide you a sense of the range of homes you will find.
You will also find new listings of homes that just came on the market in MLS along with the homes with recent MLS status changes. These new listings are followed by every Place des Vosges home for sale in MLS. You also will see every MLS home for sale mapped in Place des Vosges. And to give you a better understanding of the Place des Vosges market, you will see the Place des Vosges homes in MLS that have previously sold.
Featured Homes in Place Des Vosges
3901 Turtle Creek Boulevard #1, Dallas, Texas

Number One Place des Vosges is at the triumphant center of this elegant urban enclave of 16 prestigious homes focusing on Turtle Creek and downtown Dallas.
Mapped Place Des Vosges Homes for Sale in MLS
Today’s New Place Des Vosges Listings and MLS Status Changes
Find the accurate number of today’s new listings and the correct total number of Place Des Vosges homes for sale in MLS. Today we have a total of 0 new listings and a total of 0 homes for sale listed in Place Des Vosges neighborhood.
No MLS Homes For Sale in Neighborhood.
Favorite Place Des Vosges Videos

Place Des Vosges Contributes to a Series of Small Turtle Creek Neighborhoods
Architect James Langford recognized the proximity and opportunity of Turtle Creek and downtown Dallas when he designed the 16-home Turtle Creek neighborhood of Place des Vosges. His architectural plan contributed a small, elegant neighborhood to the series of prestigious enclaves in the Turtle Creek Corridor. These Turtle Creek neighborhoods are all under 60 homes each. They includeTurtle Creek Park,Park Bridge Court,Place des Vosges, and adjacent neighborhoods of Turtle Creek Bend,Christopher Place,Northern Hills, andNorthern Heights. Place des Vosges is one of the most elegant, as it comprises substantial homes with refined architecture. Place des Vosges shares with the other Turtle Creek neighborhoods, the nature of Turtle Creek and the vibrancy of the surrounding area.

Modern Architects Designed Favorite Dallas Neighborhoods

We see the influence of great modern architects on the neighborhoods they designed in Dallas. Texas Modern architect David Williams designed Greenway Parks in the early part of the 20thcentury. Modern architect James Langford designed Place des Vosges at the very end of the 20thcentury.Both of these talented architects emphasized sightlines, architectural continuity, and context that allows classic design to relate to the city, be shielded from the city and embraced by nature.

Texas Modern Architect David Williams Designed Greenway Parks

The Godfather of Texas Modern, architect David Williams, defined Greenway Parks with long shared parkways and boulevard vistas, creating a sense of nature, tranquility and place.
Modern Architect James Langford Defined Place Des Vosges

Modern architect James Langford captured shared space not in linear parkways, but with a glorious open courtyard park and a perimeter of trees. Like David Williams, he also created a sense of nature, tranquility and place. There are pleasing vistas to the backdrop of homes that architecturally secure the courtyard and a deliberately funneled view to the natural expression of Turtle Creek and the architectural statement of downtown Dallas through the opening of the perimeter houses at the entrance gate.
Substantial Scale and Intimacy of Place Des Vosges

The continuity and context of Place des Vosges allows substantial 5,000 square foot homes to have desirable intimacy and warmth as they embrace the lovely shared courtyard park. The pleasing scale is subtly created in part by placing three-story houses along Turtle Creek and as the land rises up the hill the homes on the perimeter become two-story, keeping the even roof lines gracefully extended across the sky.
Historically French—Inherently Modern—Place Des Vosges

Places des Vosges is historically French in design and inherently modern. Classic architecture, whether it is modern or derived from earlier European tradition, relies on purity of design and purpose. The classical Parisian architecture of Place des Vosges creates a neighborhood of homes with ground level front doors. These homes with limestone facades and abundance of windows provide ample space and a design that is programmatically current in a neighborhood and environment that is enticingly walkable.
Contemporary Floor Plan

A Place des Vosges floor plan like this one satisfies the current desire for open living spaces. Placing these rooms that open up to one another and to the kitchen on the second floor, provides treetop views. Opening the tall French doors that line the walls and open to the spacious balcony living areas, captures the breezes from the southeast that drift over Turtle Creek. Here one senses the sophistication of a Parisian apartment.
Place Des Vosges Is Contained And Connected

One walks out of the protected environment of Place des Vosges and immediately enjoys the parkways and paths of Turtle Creek that lead to additional parks and serene settings in Highland Park and Dallas.
Gatehouse Connects with Dallas

Gated communities normally conjure images of the suburbs or North Dallas neighborhood developments on leftover land of an estate area, isolated from the rest of the neighborhoods. Security personnel and guards at the front desk of high-rise apartments are customarily associated with exclusivity and detachment from the city.The personnel of the staff gatehouse at Place des Vosges has a much different effect on the residents in the Dallas community. The Place des Vosges residents are kept safe and undisturbed. However, since the gatehouse is built just 18 inches from the Place des Vosges property line, the gatehouse becomes part of the neighborhood. Those jogging or walking along Turtle Creek or along the sidewalks past Place des Vosges to a coffee shop can wave, say hello as they pass by the gatehouse, and expect a smile and a warm greeting from Place des Vosges staff. The neighboring communities surrounding Place des Vosges know that the protective eyes of Place des Vosges are on them which contributes to their relaxed enjoyment of this beautiful area.
Gated Neighborhood Embraced by Nature and Surrounding Neighborhoods

Many think that a city is walkable only when people are jammed together in uncomfortable density. Place des Vosges is a good example of palatial houses with shared common areas, creating a place of quiet and serenity that is adjacent to nature and surrounded by the most vibrant parts of Dallas: chef-owned restaurants, shops, retail, fitness facilities, bike and walking trails, and only 25 blocks from the Arts District.
Place Des Vosges Exhibits the Strength of Dallas as a City

Dallas avoids the monotony of the dense sameness of design found in most neighborhoods. Within a few blocks of Place des Vosges one finds dense high-rise apartments, cottages, offices, retail and these 16 opulent homes in the heart of Dallas that enjoy vibrancy and nature.
Civic art recognizes that the fundamental unit of architectural design is the entire town, not separate buildings.
Inspiration of Place Des Vosges

Here you will see the inspiration of Place des Vosges in Dallas on Turtle Creek and the thoughts architect James Langford provided for the original Place des Vosges brochure. James Langford received his master’s degree from Harvard and worked with architect I.M. Pei and has designed many architecturally significant modern homes in Dallas.

Gatehouse Discussed in Original Place des Vosges Brochure

Perimeter Homes Form Great Outdoor Room

Street View of Place des Vosges

Place des Vosges Landscape Plan

Place des Vosges Historical Precedence

Business and Civic Titans in Place des Vosges

There are pocket neighborhoods in the Park Cities and Dallas where there are clusters of homeowners who are business and civic leaders. The heart of Volk Estates comes to mind, but these homes are in the $20,000,000 to $50,000,000 price range, not under $5,000,000 as are the prestigious homes in Place des Vosges. The Place des Vosges neighborhood of only 16 homes is unknown by many but not by those who know Dallas best. As an example, two people who really knew the city were the former editors in chief who led the Dallas Morning News and the Dallas Times Herald at the height of the newspaper business. They selected Place des Vosges for their homes. Before the Nasher Sculpture Center, the first James Turrell art installation in Dallas was hoisted to the third floor of a home in Place des Vosges. The Place des Vosges homeowner was on the board of the Dallas Museum of Art and an important collector. Another homeowner was a revered Congressman and businessman who chose Place des Vosges for his family’s home. CEOs of some of the largest companies in the country call Place des Vosges home, as well as venture capitalists and partners in some of the most prominent oil and gas ventures and holdings. Old Dallas families and those with keen instincts moving to Dallas realize Place des Vosges offers an environment not offered anywhere else in Dallas.
Joy Comes From Living Close to Turtle Creek

There is a joy that comes from living close to Turtle Creek which links Highland Park to downtown Dallas. Place des Vosges residents enjoy the Turtle Creek neighborhood.
Are You a Place Des Vosges Homeowner? You Have Come to the Right Place
If you are considering selling your Place Des Vosges home, we will bring you the best results as we best understand your home and the potential buyers. Call me to see if I should represent you in selling your Place Des Vosges home.
The Turtle Creek neighborhood is the only neighborhood in the country this lush, this vibrant and only one mile from downtown.
-Douglas Newby
If You Desire an Architecturally Significant Home You Will Love, Douglas Newby Invites You to Call or Contact Him
Sold MLS Homes in Place Des Vosges
This section is created to help you understand the Place Des Vosges market. Knowing the homes that have sold will give you an idea of the future inventory of homes coming on the market and the trend of the Place Des Vosges prices.
Turtle Creek Homeowners Appreciate Douglas Newby
I appreciate the good guidance that you gave Mom and Alan as they navigated the Dallas residential market. Your advice was always spot on. I was also impressed with the way that you handled the negotiation of the contract.
I know Mom and Alan have enjoyed getting to know you and Connie and genuinely appreciate you friendship. The same goes for me as well.
Putt Fuller
University Park Homeowner
Dear Connie and Doug,
We are so thankful we are your former clients and new friends.
Happy New Year. May it be happy, healthy and full of laughter.
Susan Steelman
Place Des Vosges Homeowner