
Explore the Top Neighborhoods and Best Homes of Lakewood in East Dallas

In the late 1920s and 1930s, Lakewood was the grandest neighborhood in Dallas. Prominent oilmen and merchants established this as the most prestigious district in the city. Undoubtedly, they consummated many of their deals at Lakewood Country Club, the city’s second oldest, charted in 1912 by Collett Munger. You can also search MLS on this Lakewood neighborhood page for homes for sale in Lakewood.

Lakewood’s reputation as the fashionable neighborhood can be attributed not only to the strong architectural presence of French Eclectic and English Tudor, Colonial Revival and Spanish Eclectic-style homes, but to the wide lawns, deep lots and wooded hills overlooking White Rock Reservoir. The natural beauty of its setting combined with its architectural interest and the activism of its residents insure that Lakewood will remain one of Dallas’ finest neighborhoods.

Here is What You Will Find on This Lakewood Page

In this Lakewood Neighborhood section you will discover 4 best Lakewood neighborhoods. In addition you will see a few featured Lakewood homes to provide a sense of the range of homes you will find in these neighborhoods.

Once you have had a chance to review these 4 distinct Lakewood neighborhoods, you will see in these neighborhoods new listings of homes that just came on the market in MLS along with the homes with recent MLS status changes. These new listings are followed by every Lakewood home for sale in MLS. You also will see every MLS home for sale mapped in Lakewood. And to help give you a sense of the market and the evolving inventory, we have featured chronologically the Lakewood homes in MLS that have sold and their listing price.


Prominent 100 Year Old Dines & Kraft Home in the Lakewood Conservation District

6633 Country Club Circle, Dallas, Texas, designed and built by by Dines and Kraft, found in the Lakewood Conservation District across from the Lakewood Country Club golf course.
This 100-year-old house is prominently positioned across from the Lakewood Country Club golf course.

6633 Country Club Circle, Dallas, Texas – Previously Sold

Example of a Lakewood Conservation District Home – Sold by Douglas Newby

This over 100-year-old home is an architecturally significant example of a Lakewood home designed and built by Dines and Kraft. The dark red brick accentuates the green Ludowici tile roof.

In the Lakewood Conservation District, it is one of three homes located on Country Club Circle that overlooks the Lakewood Country Club golf course, the historic Lakewood theater and downtown Dallas.

1.26 Forested Acres Five Blocks from White Rock Lake and Five Minutes to Highland Park

6638 Williamson Road, Dallas, Texas

Perfect Site for a New Architecturally Significant Home

A special property with topography, two ponds, paths, a foot bridge, a creek, and a lake.

Most estate lots, even in Preston Hollow and Bluffview, are flat with only a few that have a hint of a creek. This 1.26-acre estate home building site has dramatic topography, a forest, trails, ponds and a linear lake.

Best Neighborhoods of Lakewood

The perfect site of a new home at 6638 Williamson Road in the Lakewood area of Dallas, Texas.

The McCommas family originally owned 640 acres from Abrams to White Rock Lake. Harry McCommas in 1924 developed a 9 hole golf course on 60 of these acres which continued until 1973 when Bob O Links Downs, a single-family home neighborhood was developed. Here you will also see the mapped MLS homes for sale in Bob O Links Downs.

Lakewood Pasadena Neighborhood

Pasadena Additions 1 and 2 are located in the southeast part of Lakewood, west of the White Rock Lake Spillway. This historic neighborhood began with the cooperative efforts of Pasadena Enterprise Co., the Dallas Daily Times Herald, architects, leading businessmen, and builders when two homes were built and showcased – the project becoming known as the Dallas Daily Times Herald Perfect Homes. Here you will also see the mapped MLS homes for sale in Lakewood Pasadena.

Lakewood Conservation District Neighborhood

The homes in the Lakewood Conservation District best represents the architecture and history of Lakewood. There are many architecturally significant and historic homes between Lakewood Shopping Center and White Rock Lake. Here you will also see the mapped MLS homes for sale in each specific neighborhood of Lakewood Conservation District.

Dines and Kraft 1923 historic home in the Lakewood Conservation District of the Lakewood neighborhood of Dallas, Texas.

Country Club Circle Neighborhood

Today’s New Lakewood Listings and MLS Status Changes

Find today’s new listings and the total number of Lakewood homes for sale in MLS. Today we have a total of 0 new listings and a total of 43 homes for sale listed in Lakewood neighborhood.

Acres0.19Sqft.3,787Bed4Bath4Year1937Lot Size60 x 145
Acres0.27Sqft.5,006Bed5Bath5Year2014Lot Size78x145
Acres0.27Sqft.2,502Bed4Bath4Year1967Lot Size80x145

Mapped Lakewood Homes for Sale in MLS


Are You a Lakewood Homeowner? You Have Come to the Right Place

If you are considering selling your Lakewood home, we will bring you the best results as we best understand your home and the potential buyers. Call me to see if I should represent you in selling your Lakewood home.

Award-winning Realtor Douglas Newby knows the homes in Lakewood and understands the nuance of this real estate market.

If You Desire an Architecturally Significant Home You Will Love, Douglas Newby Invites You to Call or Contact Him

Favorite Lakewood Neighborhood Videos

Anton Korn Designed Architecturally Significant Home in Lakewood.

Some of the most prominent homes in Dallas designed by architects are found on Lakewood Boulevard as is this historic home.

Lakewood Niche Neighborhood

Within Lakewood there are many distinct streets and neighborhoods. Lakewood Boulevard and Tokalon Drive come to mind as well as West Lawther overlooking White Rock Lake and Wendover Road anchored by an Arch Swank architect-designed home, and the homes within the Lakewood Conservation District. Country Club Circle captures one’s imagination both as a street in Lakewood and as a niche neighborhood within the Lakewood Conservation District.

Tokalon Personifies the Topography of Lakewood Neighborhood

Tokalon Drive Reflects the Style of the Lakewood Neighborhood

The Best Homes in Lakewood Neighborhood

Sold MLS Homes in Lakewood

This section is created to help you understand the Lakewood market. Knowing the homes that have sold will give you an idea of the future inventory of homes coming on the market and the trend of the Lakewood prices.

Acres0.28Sqft.4,683Bed5Bath5Year2011Lot Size124 x 59
Acres0.28Sqft.3,299Bed4Bath4Year1948Lot Size100x124
Acres0.2Sqft.3,824Bed4Bath4Year1927Lot Size55x150
Acres0.18Sqft.4,490Bed5Bath5Year2007Lot Size65 x 125
Acres0.28Sqft.3,056Bed4Bath4Year1977Lot Size86x148