Mayor View Point
In 1978, the office of the Dallas Mayor gained a new view point. The view changed from inside architect C.D. Hill’s Beaux Arts style City Hall to I.M. Pei’s brutalist style City Hall. These two buildings are architecturally polar opposites. C.D. Hill designed a classically ornate municipal building while I.M. Pei designed a municipal building as a 34° angled inverted pyramid. However, the vision of our current Mayor Eric Johnson is built on the vision of the first Mayor Erik Jonsson and the subsequent mayors, making Dallas the most successful city in the country. Recently, when visiting the mayor’s office where the mayor was still hard at work after hours, I was impressed with the view from the only balcony on the building, the mayor’s balcony off of his fifth floor office, the floor customarily reserved for the mayor in large cities. Mayor Eric Johnson might be the only mayor who has routinely used the balcony. Before his inauguration, both ends of the balcony were open, presumably to preserve the clean lines of the building. However, this was incredibly dangerous for anyone who might have a misstep at the edge of balcony as they would plummet five stories. Upon the mayor’s request, the city manager quickly installed glass walls at both ends of the balcony, making it safe for the mayor, his children when they come to the office, and for visitors of the mayor. Hopefully, this alteration will not impede a historic landmark designation that has been called for by the Dallas Morning News architecture critic and others. I can’t help but think that the vision of the mayor is enhanced by this view of the city. Seen are skyscrapers inhabited by both Dallas and international companies. The mayor has made Dallas the most successful city in the nation, emphasizing what other cities have long ago abandoned – public safety, lower taxes, desirable neighborhoods and a positive trend for homeowners and businesses. Dallas has the best collection of 20th and 21st century architecture and it is wonderful we can enjoy views of classical and modern buildings.
*Mayor View Point
#DallasCityHall #DallasMayor #ArchitectIMPei #DowntownDallas #BrutalistArchitecture #Architecture