Ice Cream Express

Summer always makes me think of ice cream, no matter how it is made, delivered or consumed. While now I sometimes think I exist on gelato at Botolino, I associate ice cream and summer in so many ways. These include memories of ice cream sandwiches at the country club snack bar, soft-served ice cream cones after swimming meets, Sunday ice cream socials, occasionally even making homemade ice cream, ice cream shops dotting beach towns visited in the summer, cartons of ice cream consumed at home growing up, lavish sundaes at ice cream counters, a pan of homemade brownies heavy on the a la mode consumed with a school friend at one sitting, parties where ice cream bars on a stick are plentiful, and I almost forgot root beer floats. Also, what better way to enjoy fresh picked or sourced blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or peaches scattered on mounds of vanilla ice cream. My choice of flavors have maybe evolved from mint chocolate chip to salted caramel, white coffee, pistachio and others, but how can one deny the appeal of the all-time favorite flavors, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. These three flavors almost sound patriotic. I know I feel like a better American when I am eating ice cream. *Ice Cream Express
#icecream #DallasNeighborhoods #Summer #Gelato #Dallas

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