Historic Preserves Modern

Modernism was the culprit for low-income immigrant and Black homes to be torn down in the early and mid 20th century. Now modern design is preserving historic homes from this same era. On the Dallas AIA Tour of Homes 2021 you will be able to see what had been a small, worn-out, 1,400 sq.ft. Colonial Revival house clad with aluminum siding and resting on Bois d’Arc posts on Coombs Creek Trail that architect Cliff Welch was able to transform by accentuating its simple design with a modern approach. Cartouches and carvings have been eliminated and replaced with functional design elements. Dallas has an abundance of affordable homes if we don’t turn our back on the old original housing stock in need of repair.
*Historic Preserves Modern
@AIADallas #AIADallasTourOfHomes #KesslerPark @CliffWelchFAIA #CliffWelchArchitect #CoombsCreekTrail #Dallas #Architect #Architecture #HistoricHome #OldHouse #Preservation #ModernDesign #ColonialRevival #Renovation #DallasNeighborhood