Future of Design

A celestial study by interior designer Ken Fulk at Kips Bay Decorator Show House Dallas might be a nod to an astrological prediction of design. Or it might be an example of how rooms in a historically designed home that I sold over ten years ago can keep the classical proportions and floorplan but have each room take on a very different look at the hands of talented designers. My blog article shows before and after pictures of many of the rooms showcased at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House Dallas at 5138 Deloache Avenue in Preston Hollow.

*Future of Design
#PrestonHollow @kbshowhouse #kbshowhouse2021 #Design #InteriorDesign #InteriorDesigners #kenfulkdesign #Astrology #Tarot @kenfulk @fromthegrounduplandscape @john_bobbitt @martinpainting @coreydamenjenkins @michaelaiduss @gilmelottstudio @dennisbrackeendesigngroup @lantzcollective @traciconnellinteriors @alexahamptoninc @martynlawrencebullarddesign @meredithellis @jamesshowroom @shellyrosenberg @brantmcfarlaindesign @janetgridley @creativetonic