Tribute to D

D Magazine has for years identified the best Dallas realtors. This year, I wanted to make a tribute to D Magazine by securing a two-page profile in the section that lists the best real estate agents. It was also a great reason to retain talented artist Allison V. Smith to take a portrait photograph of me.

I have been fond of D Magazine since Wick Allison produced the first issue of D when I was still at SMU. I have known several of the past D Magazine editors and have actually have been close friends with a few of them. Each editor brought their personality, expertise and background to the magazine, shaping its direction. However, I have never enjoyed the magazine more than now under the leadership of editor Tim Rogers. Tim takes a profoundly insightful look at Dallas, but always with the undercurrent of his ever-present humor. D Magazine has been successful in part because Dallas has been successful. Dallas is successful in part because of D Magazine and the contribution of its incredible editors, writers, designers, producers, and staff. Thank you D Magazine! *Tribute to D
@DMagazine #DMagazine #TimRogers #CityMagazine #DRealEstate #DBestAgents #DallasRealEstate #DallasHomes #DallasNeighborhood #DallasRealtor #HighlandParkHomes @TimmyTyper @allisonvsmith