Dr. Ronald Jones Gives Talk on Kennedy Assassination at SMU Town and Gown

Dr. Ronald Jones, Chief of Surgery at Baylor University Medical Center and Now Residency Program Director Lectures on His Accounts During the Kennedy Assassination

The year leading up to the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination has brought forward many prominent and important Dallas citizens who have remembered and talked about the events of that memorable day fifty years ago including Dr. Ronald Jones who did the procedures on President Kennedy when he was brought to Parkland Hospital and Dallas civic leader and Mayflower Estates homeowner, Ruth Altshuler, who chaired this year-long event celebrating President Kennedy.

Earlier this month, I sat next to Dr. Jones at a Southern Methodist University Town and Gown dinner where Dr. Jones delivered a first-hand, insightful, and compelling talk on what transpired when he was called to the emergency room as a young thirty-year-old resident surgeon. It was a vastly interesting and deeply moving account from the man who would go on to become the chief of surgery at Baylor Medical Center and now director of its residency program.

This has been a year where Dallas has reflected on the history and grace of the city. The assassination of President Kennedy changed America and transformed Dallas as a community, pushing it towards being an even better city in the face of the harsh criticism it received at the time.
