Thatcher Ella Rose

Explore the Best Thatcher Ella Rose Homes for Sale in Old Preston Hollow Neighborhood

Here is What You Will Find on This Thatcher Ella Rose Page

In this Thatcher Ella Rose neighborhood section you will discover the best homes found in this neighborhood. In addition you will see a few featured homes to provide you a sense of the range of homes you will find.

You will also see new listings of homes that just came on the market in MLS along with the homes with recent MLS status changes. These new listings are followed by every home for sale in MLS found in this neighborhood. You also will see every MLS home for sale mapped. And to give you a better understanding of the Preston Hollow market, you will see the homes in MLS that have previously sold in this neighborhood.


Preston Hollow Home for Sale on 1.07 Acres

5272 Ravine Drive, Dallas, Texas

5272 Ravine Drive, Dallas, Texas

Privacy and Elegance of
Ravine Drive – Sold by Douglas Newby

One of the grand and original estate homes of Preston Hollow is for sale. This English Style Preston Hollow home with 6,910 square feet is sited on Ravine Drive, a hidden street that curves around from Meadowbrook to Park Lane in the heart of Preston Hollow.

Estate Home Materials – Brick, Stone, and Slate

for use in selling home
for use in selling home

The materials in this gracious estate home reflect the quality of its era. Built in 1939, you will find this brick home to have a slate roof and been well maintained. The home’s very large formal rooms show its earlier importance and provide the spaces desired today. The informal living room is large by even today’s standards, as is the formal library and game room. Hardwood floors and original stained moldings provide warmth to the home.

Preston Hollow Estate Lot and Pool

Many will desire this property just for the land and location and abundant mature trees and pool. The home has two large second-floor terraces overlooking the garden, creating additional desirable space for you to enjoy.

Mapped MLS Homes for Sale in Thatcher Ella Rose


Today’s New Thatcher Ella Rose Listings and MLS Status Changes

Find the accurate number of today’s new listings and the correct total number of Thatcher Ella Rose homes for sale in MLS. Today we have a total of 0 new listings and a total of 0 homes for sale listed in Thatcher Ella Rose neighborhood.

No MLS Homes For Sale in Neighborhood.

Are You a Homeowner in Thatcher Ella Rose? You Have Come to the Right Place

If you are considering selling your home in Thatcher Ella Rose, we will bring you the best results as we best understand your home and the potential buyers. Call me to see if I should represent you in selling your home in Thatcher Ella Rose.

We will introduce you to Preston Hollow residents who nurture Dallas, acquaint you with the nuances of the private schools and identify the architecturally significant homes on beautiful estate acreage.

-Douglas Newby

If You Desire an Architecturally Significant Home You Will Love, Douglas Newby Invites You to Call or Contact Him

The Best Homes in Thatcher Ella Rose Neighborhood

Sold MLS Homes in Thatcher Ella Rose

This section is created to help you understand the Thatcher Ella Rose market. Knowing the homes that have sold will give you an idea of the future inventory of homes coming on the market and the trend of the Thatcher Ella Rose prices.

No MLS Homes For Sale in Neighborhood.