Looking Forward

From the year 2023 platform of confusion, uncertainty, and also some major successes, we can look forward in Dallas to many great and favorable things that will propel the city in 2024, including:

The completion of the best collection of architect-designed eclectic and modern homes in Dallas in decades.

A greater number of architect-designed historic homes preserved as both sellers and buyers have a greater interest in architecturally significant homes. Preservation deed restrictions that have successfully worked for my clients for many years will be more prevalently utilized in 2024.

The trend and devastating silliness infecting cities that allow ADUs and apartments in single-family zoned neighborhoods will be thwarted in Dallas. Dallas has a strong history of supporting single-family zoned neighborhoods that Dallas residents understand contribute to the stability and vibrancy of the city. Fashionable urban policy promoted by itinerant planners and a minority of City Councilmembers will be resoundingly rejected by the homeowners in Dallas.

Dallas will double down on its historical vision of Dallas being a city for residents to enjoy and prosper. Parks, trees, safety, and wealth creation for every resident will resonate with people from other cities who will continue to move to Dallas. Dallas is now third in the country for Family Offices. One could say the smart money is on the future of Dallas.

#2024 #ArchitectDesigned #ArchitecturallySignificant #HighlandPark #HighlandParkVillage #SingleFamilyZoning #Density #Architect #HistoricHomes #PreservationDeedRestrictions
#Dallas #ADUs

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