Wilson Fuqua Designed House

3920 Euclid Avenue, Dallas, Texas

This Norman French home was designed in 1993 and is a good example of an architecturally significant home from this period. The Texas Lueders rough back limestone is used for the surface of the steep roofed recessed turret embedded into the mass of the home. The turret is designed as an integral and distinct part of the home, not as a decorative appendage. The interior space of the turret is used for the staircase, not showing up in the interior as an unexplained bend in the wall. A tall narrow chimney, vertical half-timbering and windows and doors piercing the roof line collude to create the vertical theme of the home. The narrow windows and doors allow the stone facade to be celebrated. The bay window in the living room is faced with half-timbering and infilled with Ferris brick which picks up the eave frieze detail and the squared chimney patterned inserts. The design of this home was influenced by the architecture of a home (now torn down on Armstrong) by Fooshee and Cheek, architects trained under Hal Thomson.