Architect’s Home
Hal Thomson, the godfather of Dallas architects, designed this home at 3925 Potomac Avenue for himself and his family. Soon I will be offering this home for sale. Homes that architects designed for themselves always fascinate me. Which location, neighborhood and site did they select? What style did they choose? After Hal Thomson earned his architecture degree at MIT, finished his tour of Europe and became the society architect for Dallas patrons, it is easy to understand why he selected for his own home Highland Park as the location, Mount Vernon as the neighborhood, and the second lot up the hill from Hackberry Creek on Potomac Avenue for the site. This was the perfect site for the home he designed for himself and his family as the forested hill was perfect for a New England style home that blended into the neighborhood and in the interior of the home reflected the architectural grandeur and detail of the majestic homes he designed in Highland Park. A front facade easement will maintain the architectural magnificence of this home. *Architect’s Home
#3925PotomacAvenue #ArchitecturallySignificant #HighlandPark #MountVernon #Architect #Architecture #ArchitectHalThomson #HackberryCreek #DallasNeighborhood #Dallas