Robert Neylan, International Architect

International Architect

Dallas has a long tradition of bringing in architectural talent and influences from around the nation and exploring indigenous architecture with Texas architects. We see both approaches in two recent modern homes. A young Chicago architect, Robert Neylan, formerly of NHDKM, designed on Miramar the Translucens House, a compilation of stainless steel, teak, granite, Belgian glass and water. The exterior mass, geometry and balconies reflect the proportions of the neighboring 1916 eclectic home. The interior with a courtyard invites us to keep looking inward. It is stark, serene, exquisitely executed and visually open both horizontally and vertically, as glass bridges and stairs connect the house.

Example of Homes Architect Robert Neylan Designed

Translucens House

Architect Robery Neylan Designed Modern Home in Old Highland Park

This modern home continues the architectural rhythm of Old Highland Park