Antoine Predock, International Architect

International Architect

One of the most important homes in Dallas was designed by Antoine Predock, who trained at Columbia University and works out of New Mexico. Antoine Predock has been an inspiration for other homeowners desiring modern homes in Dallas. The influence of the Southwest is seen in his modern work. He provokes the imagination with his solid buildings that create new types of spaces as they link everyday use with the external environment.

Example of Homes Architect Antoine Predock Designed

Antoine Predock Design

Architect Antoine Predock Designed Home in Highland Park

5 Willowood Street, Dallas, Texas

Highland Park Contemporary Home

This Dallas modern home was designed by architect, Antoine Predock who incorporated the client’s passion for collecting modern art and bird-watching into the concept of the home. While the Austin Stone front facade is perceived heavy, the interior opens up to reveal large open spaces created by 20 foot ceilings and windows, steel bridges shaded by a canopy of trees that connect the buildings and various points in the home and, surrounding the vaulted walkways, the ground transformed into a habitat filled in with lush vegetation to attract the birds.