
[quotation]If you are passionate about architecture, design and real value, then we share an interest. I am fortunate to have a targeted real estate business with the largest global reach. -Douglas Newby[/quotation]

Our Mission is to Benefit You
We Will Identify and Evaluate Real Value

Representing you as a buyer or as a seller, I will evaluate and identify the real value of a home. A good appraiser can determine how much a house is worth based on current sales and market data. The real value of a property is more than just its current 90-day market value. Is there a shortage or a backlog of buyers? How will the property hold its value or appreciate in relationship to other homes in the same price range? How will the home accommodate you and your family? How will you enjoy the home, its location, the neighbors and the community? The same attributes of the home, its environment and the community, that bring joy to your life and resonate with you will be shared by a future buyer. What you find appealing about the home, a buyer in the future will also find appealing.

[quotation wrap=”just-as-you”]Just as you are apt to use an art consultant when you purchase a several million dollar piece of art, I will make you better informed and benefit you when you buy a several million dollar home. -Douglas Newby[/quotation]

Aesthetics and Land Appreciate – Structures Decline in Value

The most important economic aspect of the home itself is its aesthetic value. The most important economic aspect of a home and property is the value of the land.

[quotation class=”half-quote”]Smart, sophisticated buyers seek significant homes on the best sites anywhere in the world. These are the homes you desire and the ones I will help you identify, evaluate and purchase. -Douglas Newby[/quotation]

The aesthetic of a home is the only aspect of the home itself that can appreciate. Every other component of a structure depreciates. Land is what appreciates in value, you can count on structures depreciating 1 ½% to 2% a year. This is the reason we work so diligently with our clients to evaluate the value of the site and the design of the home. Identifying a good location is easy. What is far more important is identifying a great site. The best sites always appreciate in relationship to the nearby generic sites. Design with real merit also appreciates. Great design becomes revered as it ages, while generic design becomes tired and out of date.

[quotation wrap=”my-favorite-homes”]My favorite homes are on the best sites in the finest neighborhoods. -Douglas Newby[/quotation]

The economic value of a property is the combination of its land value and the value of the structure. Often the economic value of a property is far higher than the market value. Other properties may have less economic value than their market value. We want you to know what the real economic value of a property is worth in relationship to its short term market value or appraised price.

[quotation class=”half-quote”]A home is your greatest design decision. -Douglas Newby[/quotation]

You are benefitted the most if you purchase a home with real economic value and one that has value to you.

I judge my success by how long my clients enjoy and live in a home rather than how many houses I sell. My clients’ short and long term residential success brings me far more pleasure than tallying a value of sales.

[quotation wrap=”i-am-located”]I am located in Dallas because it has the richest collection of 20th and 21st century architect designed homes and it is where much commerce and many good ideas are generated internationally. -Douglas Newby[/quotation]

The Transition That Comes From Buying or Selling a Home Should be Graceful

The economics of a transaction are important, but a graceful transition to your next home should not be compromised.

Beneficial terms for closing and possession for both the buyer and seller should be arrived at very early in the process because it is helpful for all parties making an agreement on price much easier.

[quotation id=”23667″ picture=”15799″ float=”right”][/quotation]

Clarity in a Transaction of Buying or Selling a Home

[quotation class=”half-quote”]I insist on working directly with my clients, including those of vast resources, CEOs of the largest corporations in the world, and talented professionals on a shared goal of finding or selling a property that has the highest aesthetic and economic value. -Douglas Newby[/quotation]

The best deals are negotiated when there is clarity and increased certainty of a closing. We have good relationships with lenders, surveyors, appraisers, inspectors, escrow officers and title companies that understand that you benefit when they expedite their services. When buyers and sellers have a clear unobstructed path to an amicable closing, they enjoy the process and conclusion. Sellers have less remorse about selling and buyers enjoy their purchased home more.