Stretto House

9839 Rockbrook Drive, Dallas, Texas
This home on Rockbrook was designed in 1993 by Steven Holl. Thin curved roof planes shelter open and closed spaces. Four sharply detailed concrete masses correspond to the dams on the creek. The effect is a structure firmly anchored and simultaneously in flight. Reflections in the water and backdrop of a big Texas sky further evoke a sense of fluidity and motion to this very disciplined plan.
This home of overlapping spaces was inspired by Music for Strings, Percussion and Celeste by Bela Bartok. The roofs are made of curved pipe and shingles of lead-covered copper. Thin curtain walls of glass, structural supports unselfconsciously exposed where needed, and space twisting to create expanded views are directed to the many shapes and surfaces of the structure. This is a complicated house, but its balance is also soothing. It is exhilarating to have a home designed by a superb architect, and sophisticated, insightful clients who grew up in and around the country’s best architecture.