Modern Residence Architect-Designed by Russell Buchanan

19 Vanguard Way, Dallas, Texas
Vanguard Way Modern Home
Architect Russell Buchanan designed this 2,152 square foot modern home at 19 Vanguard Way in Urban Reserve neighborhood of East Dallas.
Architect Russell Buchanan designed this 2,152 square foot modern home at 19 Vanguard Way in Urban Reserve neighborhood of East Dallas.
Douglas Newby is the realtor that knows the potential inventory of architecturally significant modern homes and the best location, neighborhoods, and sites. Understanding the inventory of modern homes is more than relying on what is offered for sale in MLS or even being aware of “hip pockets.” It is approaching the market as if every modern home in Dallas is for sale. When a buyer looks for a home from that perspective, they are not constrained by a random slice of what is presently on the market or hoping something better will magically come on the market. A common approach of finding a modern home leaves economics and aesthetics to chance. For decades, Douglas Newby has identified architecturally significant modern homes and helped clients select the home that makes an aesthetic statement and makes them happy living in the home.
Modern Homes in MLSDouglas Newby is the realtor that knows the potential inventory of architecturally significant modern homes and the best location, neighborhoods, and sites. Understanding the inventory of modern homes is more than relying on what is offered for sale in MLS or even being aware of “hip pockets.” It is approaching the market as if every modern home in Dallas is for sale. When a buyer looks for a home from that perspective, they are not constrained by a random slice of what is presently on the market or hoping something better will magically come on the market. A common approach of finding a modern home leaves economics and aesthetics to chance. For decades, Douglas Newby has identified architecturally significant modern homes and helped clients select the home that makes an aesthetic statement and makes them happy living in the home.
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